Local councils in England with an annual turnover of £6.5 million or less must complete an Annual Return summarising their annual activities at the end of each financial year. In the Annual Return the term ‘local council’ includes a Parish Meeting, a Parish Council and a Town Council.

The Annual Return on pages two to five is made up of four sections:

Sections 1 and 2 are completed by the officer nominated by the local council and are signed as a true record by that officer and the Chairperson of the local council on behalf of the local council;

Section 3 is completed by the external auditor;

Section 4 is completed by the local council’s independent internal auditor.

Copies of the Annual Return for the New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council and be viewed by clicking on the document required.

YearAnnual ReturnAnnual AccountsExternal Audit
2023/2024 Download Download Download
2022/2023 Download Download Download
2021/2022 Download Download
2020/2021 Download
2019/2020 Download Download
2018-2019 Download Download
2010/2011 Download Download
2011/2012 Download Download
2012/2013 Download Download
2013/2014 Download Download
2014/2015 Download Download
2015/2016 Download Download
2016/2017 Download Download


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pdf External Audit 2021-22 3 MB